Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Sprouted Grains: Switch Your Whole Grains Up a Notch

For individuals with wheat sensitivity, less-reactive wheat products can improve quality of life.  Research indicates that germination can effectively alter certain immunoreactive components. While research continues and technologies develop, my baking with sprouted grains begins. Here's how I did my sprouting at home:

Pour warm water over grain berries in a jar to cover. Soak for 8-12 hours.
Cut a piece of cheesecloth the size of the jar opening and secure with lid ring.

 After 8 hours, pour out soaking water and add warm water. Drain and replace cheesecloth.

Invert jar and tilt in a bowl, repeating warm water and draining every 8 hours.

After sprouts emerge, drain berries on absorptive towel.

Complete drying process in cheesecloth lined dehydrator trays.

Grind berries in counter-top flour mill to mix and bake. 

Ezekiel Bread, made with 4 grains and 4 beans (some sprouted) is a complete protein bread on which a Biblical prophet was able to survive for almost a year. (Ezekiel also drank water).

No access to a flour mill? See my recipe on the Stone Soup Blog for mixing purchased flours to produce the same results.


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