Sunday, August 3, 2014

Panoramic Picnic

We had quite a view on our picnic today at Jennings Randolph Lake.  Our menu today:
Wild Salmon
Wild & Brown Rice Salad
Diced Peaches
Black Raspberry Rhubarb Cream Pie Parfait

Our picnics are cold plates I make the evening before.  The Rice Salad recipe is adapted from USA Rice.

Wild & Brown Rice Salad
(Serves 3)

1/3 cup cooked Wild Rice
2/3 cup cooked Bron Rice
I first cooked the wild rice for 35 minutes and added the instant brown rice (without seasoning) for 5 minutes more.

6 dried Apricots, diced
1 mini Sweet Pepper, diced
1 Tbsp. Gorgonzola Cheese, crumbled
2 Tbsp. Orange Juice
1 tsp. Olive Oil
1 Tbsp. fresh squeezed Lemon Juice 
Mix with drained rice.  Refrigerate.

Serve over
1 1/2 cups chopped Spring Mix 

 I purchased and baked 1/2 # portion of Wild Salmon sprinkled with Mrs. Dash, then garnished with Fresh Lemon.  The lentil dish is inspired by Canadian Lentils

Balsamic Lentils
(Served 3)

1/3 cup Lentils
1 clove Garlic, peeled and diced
In small saucepan, cover the lentils with a couple inches of water and the garlic.  Bring to a simmer over medium heat.  Cook for 40 minutes, until the lentils are tender.  Add:

1 Celery Stick, diced
1/2 Carrots, shredded
1 Spring Onion, diced
Drain and stir in:
1 Tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar


Yesterday we picked the last of our Black Raspberries on our Mountain Meadow Hill.  The parfait recipe was inspired by Clean Eating. I always like a recipe I can use Ricotta Cheese as it's very hard for me to use a whole container of it!

Black Raspberry Rhubarb Cream Pie Parfait
(Serves 4)

2 stalks Rhubard, diced in 1/2 inch pieces
1 1/2 cups Black Raspberries
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tbsp. Cornstarch
Mix and bake in toaster oven 20 minutes.

Crust (for 6)

1 cup Whole Wheat Pastry Flour
1/4 cup Pecan Meal
Whisk together.
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
Add and stir until combined.
2 Tbsp. Honey
Add and stir until combined. 

2 Tbsp. cold Water
Add and stir until combined.  Mixture will be sandy.  Press into 8 inch square pan sprayed with Pam.  Bake in 350 oven 20 minutes.  Cool.

Cheese Mixture
(Serves 4) 

2/3 cup Ricotta Cheese, part skim
1 Tbsp. Honey
Mix with whip.

To assemble parfait, break 1/6th mixture crumbs first into bottom of dish.  Add cheese mixture, then fruit mix.

My Kamera Kitchen buddy, Bob, whose idea it was to combine the picnic here on our way to visit my aging parents.  We brought them something to eat too!  Have a great week.



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