Thursday, October 16, 2014

100 Mile Meal

We joined the 100 Mile Challenge, sponsored by the WVU Student Dietetic Association to make a meal with all local foods.  Here's ours:

Crustless Quiche
Acorn Squash
WVU Apple
for only $4.05

500 calories, less than 600 mg of sodium, made with nutrient dense, local foods.

Farms include:
Brenckles Butter
Hemmel Garden
Tom Alexander and
Firefly Farms

This was very well received!

I'm off to FNCE tomorrow!
Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. What an inspiring challenge and look what great foods you found! It was so good running into you at FNCE, now I can see what you have been up to on the blog :)

